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Become a Sponsor of GHF 2024 Conference

The GHF Conference promises an enriching experience, offering a comprehensive and dynamic platform. Attendees can expect engaging scientific symposiums, public events, workshops, field presentations, electronic posters, and official ceremonies with high-level representatives of national and international health authorities.

Join us as a distinguished sponsor of the GHF 2024 Conference. As the world converges to address pressing health challenges, this event offers an unparalleled opportunity for your organization to showcase its commitment to advancing health equity, research, and collaboration.

With a diverse audience of esteemed academics, leading researchers, policymakers, and influential stakeholders from international organizations, your sponsorship ensures heightened visibility and engagement with key experts and decision-makers shaping the future of healthcare worldwide.

We invite you to explore the available sponsorship opportunities and contact us to discuss these options.

We look forward to your esteemed presence and collaboration at GHF 2024!


25’000 CHF

Distinctive benefits

Symposium format

GHF Support


10’000 CHF

Distinctive benefits




5’000 CHF

Distinctive benefits



Become a Supporter of GHF 2024 Conference

The Geneva Health Forum presents compelling opportunities for philanthropic donors interested in contributing to its annual conference, which stands on a robust institutional foundation.

Supported by its founders, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), the conference benefits from their infrastructure and leadership in shaping the scientific program.

As the GHF Conference convenes to address pressing health challenges, your generous contributions will play a pivotal role in enriching the experience for attendees and amplifying the reach of our collective efforts. In order to execute its diverse activities and engage All stakeholders, particularly from Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), the GHF welcomes donations that would help cover the following activities.


The Geneva Health Forum conference will be the subject of reports aimed at widely disseminating its outcomes. Allocation for the writing of one scientific report per thematic day, covering the proceedings and results of all daily sessions.


Provision for electronic posters, catering, volunteer equipment, and coordination, including the registration system.


Investment in the recording and streaming of the conference, facilitating the creation of an impactful hybrid event with both face-to-face and online components, thereby expanding the reach to a broader audience.


Support for speakers and participants originating from LMICs. The GHF actively encourages the involvement of field actors to share their experiences by providing travel grants, with an average amount of 2,500 CHF per person, covering flights, accommodation, and per diem expenses.


Translation into French is important to facilitate access to the conference for individuals who do not speak English fluently. We particularly aim to encourage the participation of individuals from French-speaking Africa, as well as local nurses and other healthcare professionals.


Geneva Health Forum

About the Geneva Health Forum

Established in 2006 by the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) and the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Geneva Health Forum (GHF) is a Swiss not-for-profit initiative that brings together a diverse range of stakeholders to discuss and address global health challenges.

The GHF plays a pivotal role in the global health landscape, as a neutral and inclusive platform, fostering dialogue and collaboration among key players in the field, including policymakers, representatives from academia, civil society, and the private sector.

Its core mission is to facilitate constructive dialogue among these global health actors, which, in turn, contributes to the improvement of health policies and access to care worldwide. The Geneva Health Forum proudly collaborates with some of the most prominent international organizations based in Geneva.