In their Own Words: migrants’ perspectives unveiled

Evening event

Evening event

May 28, 2024

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Panel Discussion

Our understanding of the health and healthcare challenges faced by migrants is often oversimplified. Taking the time to listen to migrants themselves can provide deeper insights into their experiences.

Migrants can play an active role in managing their health and engaging in collective self-help activities. Through translators, health mediators, participation in migrant health research, and the creation of peer support groups, they can significantly contribute to their communities.

This session aims to shift our perspective on migrants. By listening to and recognizing the energy and resources they offer, we can help restore their dignity and empower them within our health systems.


Speakers will be announced soon

Pooja Jha

The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, Lancet

Dominika Wanczyk

SOS Méditerranée

Eli Fazlollah


Majida Alaskary


Fibbi Rosita

Femmes-Tische Swiss Red Cross supported

Rekan Fadhil Salem

Femmes-Tische Swiss Red Cross supported

Katy Bremgartner

Agents de santé

Ole von Uexkull

Right Livelihood 

Notes to participants


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Established in 2006 by the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) and the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Geneva Health Forum (GHF) is a Swiss not-for-profit initiative that brings together a diverse range of stakeholders to discuss and address global health challenges.

The GHF plays a pivotal role in the global health landscape, as a neutral and inclusive platform, fostering dialogue and collaboration among key players in the field, including policymakers, representatives from academia, civil society, and the private sector.

Its core mission is to facilitate constructive dialogue among these global health actors, which, in turn, contributes to the improvement of health policies and access to care worldwide. The Geneva Health Forum proudly collaborates with some of the most prominent international organizations based in Geneva.